A Customer's Amazing Lobster Gram Experience
Customer Joy M. wrote an awesome blog post about hosting a Lobster Bake with friends. Check out her cool story below, and be sure to visit her blog at JoyfulJangle.com!

A few weeks back, Sean and I decided that we should have a get together with our friends. The weather was beautiful, and we finally had a nice patio set and felt the need to take advantage of it. When we were trying to decide what kind of theme we should have, we immediately were brought back to the last time we grilled Lobsters. We had a great experience and knew that it would be a fun time with friends.
Our first thought was to check out LobsterGram.com. They provide overnight shipping which means that we got fresh, AMAZING Lobsters straight from Maine. No sad lobsters in my grocery store tank for who knows how long. They also had other great options for non-seafood lovers and delicious desserts!
Sean had been in charge of the order, so when we got the packages in the mail, they were a total surprise to me! I had so much fun opening the boxes to see what we had received!

As a designer, I love this packaging. So cute. Look at these! Inside is the amazing dessert….but let’s talk about the main course…

Our first surprise: My order arrived EARLY Friday morning. A beautiful package (or two, I mean, it was a rather large order) of live lobster, delicate, fresh local meats, and my personal favorite, dessert. I wasn't expecting this package to arrive so quickly - and I was really excited to see the live lobsters and how big these ‘Big Daddy’s’ really were. I’ll be honest, I was a little nervous about not ordering 1-2 more lobsters just in case they weren't enough to share.


Look at these monsters! Just look at that massive claw!

There was PLENTY of lobster and meat to go around …We were trying to figure out how we were going to eat all the amazing food! We weren’t going to let any of it go to waste.
Now, the exciting part…the preparation. Since these were alive, I had to quickly and mercifully put them out of their misery. Don't worry, it was a quick, painless passing of Lobster Gram’s ‘Big Daddies’. After pumping myself up by watching the lobster scene from Julie and Julia, I chopped these suckers in half. It was a pretty easy process to grill them. Once they are halved, you coat them in a thick layer of melted butter and stick them on the grill.

We had also received some delicious steaks that we sprinkled with some 7:2:2 (7 parts kosher salt, 2 parts fresh ground pepper, and 2 parts garlic powder). The steaks were locally provided by Linz in Chicago. Surf and Turf, anyone? Yes, please!

If you've never grilled lobster before, it’s a lot less stressful then most people make it out to be. I followed my instructions by my favorite cookbook: America’s Test Kitchen. My go-to for everything. But just in case I wasn't a seasoned vet in the kitchen, Lobster Gram also sent some pretty informative and easy-to-follow instructions for any combination of cooking, whether it would be steaming, baking, grilling, etc. For this occasion, I chose the grill since, you know, summer and all.
First is the meats, because again, the lobster is super, super easy. I am useless on the grill. I can manage if I have to, but Sean is really the best grill master I know, so of course I put him in charge of it. Other than telling him what the cookbook said to do, I let him take charge of the whole thing after I did my part in prepping the meat.
First the steaks, then the lobsters. They were so good! Looking at these pictures is totally making me remember how delicious they were!
It was the perfect setting for a weekend hangout after a long week.
So while the grilling is taking place, I had the task of prepping the appetizers and making sure the wine was chilled correctly. I don’t know a better way of making sure the wine is chilled properly than to TASTE the wine! So drinks were had.
Another surprise: these colossal shrimp were the biggest shrimp I’ve ever eaten and SO tasty. I thought we were really only getting some lobsters, so to get the shrimp too was an awesome addition.

Now we’re talking! We’re ready to eat! Here’s a picture of our lobster right off the grill with some of those Snow Crab claws (have I mentioned that Snow Crab is one of my absolute favorites!?).

Now onto the real important part: the dessert. We got the key lime pie, blueberry cheesecake, and whoopie pies. I was seriously blown away by the flavor of the key lime pie and the blueberry cheesecake was phenomenal, but let me tell you - if you’ve never experienced the amazing flavor of a whoopie pie - buy one right now. Go, seriously, right now and order yourself a whoopie pie. I know a great site that has them ;). I’ll wait here.
So we stopped taking some pics around this time because we were so focused on eating the food!

The moment of truth: Was this worth it? A resounding HECK YES this was worth it! We all had such a great time together, having good conversation and being surrounded by amazing food! As we were sitting around the table, we were planning out when we could do this again. So you know I’ll be hitting Lobster Gram up again. And SOON!
Thank you Lobster Gram for helping us host an EPIC summer dinner party.